Monday, May 16, 2005

I Don't Like Working at Starbucks, I Don't Like Working at Starbucks, I Don't Like Working at Starbucks...

Salutations, Matt Smith.

There's something very circular -- cyclical, cylindrical, anything round and repetitive really -- about the way my life is going at the moment.

I went into Starbucks today to get my old job back. And when I say "old" job, I mean "stupid, repetitive, doesn't pay me quite enough to be nice to people" job. It wasn't exactly difficult to get the job back, but it was difficult to smile while I stomached the fact that I had to be re-trained for a job that had been so engrained in my brain that I still know the reason why mild brewed coffee has a higher caffienation level than a dark roast.

I have no idea where I'm going to use this in real life. It's sort of like geometry that way.

The thing of it is, I started at Starbucks thinking that it would only be temporary. I'd work there until I found something meaningful and useful and important. I'd work there until I find something "for good." And I left in August for Minnesota, knowing that it wouldn't be permanent, but that maybe it'd be a jumping off point for something greater.

I can't help being optimistic, thinking that that something greater is still on its way.

But at the moment, I'm back where I started. In the same job I was in last year at this time. In the same neighborhood that I lived in 5 years ago.

And worse yet, my sunroof still leaks.

I wonder if life will ever be like "Billy Madison" -- so I could sweep through time and responsibility and obstacles in 100 big budget minutes and be a success at the end.

And there would be a giant penguin.
Yes. There must also be a giant penguin.

So, the answer for all those people who ask me questions like, "Are you here for good?" and "What are you planning on doing?" is:

"As good as it gets and I don't know... why? Do you have a suggestion?"

Love and good vibrations,

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