Friday, December 14, 2007

There's a Marshmallow Car Sundae on my Street and I Am Without a Spoon.

About the snow, Matt Smith.

Feets and feets of snow was a bit of an exaggeration, so no need to go slapping your co-worker around for being a smart-ass. Unless you want to. In which case, go right ahead.

I'm nearly halfway through a directed study project that I was supposed to have started months ago, but only really started yesterday. It's pretty awesome. And by awesome, I mean, of course, completely overwhelming and impossible. So, really, I think I'll be okay.

I mean, I think so.
I hope so.

I don't go home to Pittsburgh until Christmas Eve, and even then it is not flat at all. I hope that it is snow covered. I have a deep and persistent need for sledding, even though I do not think I own a sled anymore.

My roommate is jealous of everyone who has laundry in their building. By this I think she means "laundry facilities," not actual laundry, because if that were the case, she wouldn't need to be jealous. I have lots of laundry just sitting around, and I could show it to her so that her jealousy would not have to manifest itself in any harmful -- or even not harmful -- way. I have a lot of laundry leftover even though yesterday I did two loads of laundry, comprised entirely of underwear and socks. I am happy to have the socks and underwear, but I also would have liked to have the time to wash things that I might wear over the socks and underwear, for it is cold out and the snow is there and it might not be okay for me to go outside and get on a train without pants.

I am now halfway finished with my project. The end is in sight. There is still much work to be done, and now I have to go to yet another rehearsal for things I do not get paid for or credit for, but which people judge me on.

The world is a very strange place.

See you for dinner,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our laundry-type machines don't get nearly enough use compared to the amount of laundry generated around here. I'm sure they're lonely.
That is to say, feel free whenever to come by and keep them company with your non-socks and underwear (or those too, if needed). Even if you're not batman-sitting. (Boo has told me he doesn't need a sitter).

Anyhoo -- I know Boston hasn't really been the Boston I was hoping it would be to you and Mr. Dunegan. I was relating some of his axe / clot / snobby little rich kid / drunken landlord exploit(s)(/ations?) over the past several months to relatives the other day and realized just how un-Bostony it's been. That makes me sad because I've truly enjoyed finally spending some time living in the same city as you (3 weeks in Po-town (10 years ago?!?!) don't quite count).
Here's to a 2008 where both you and Dunegan find the riches and happiness you both deserve that hopefully convince you it's not so bad around here after all.
At the very least, we've got some good sushi. And even better places to drink beer.