Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ready for My Close-up, Mister...

Dear Mr. Brownlee,

Since you asked oh-so-many months ago about who Matt Smith is -- and everyone asks, so don't think you're the first -- you can follow the link the the right? The one that says "The Real Matt Smith?" Yeah. That's the one. Go on. Click it. In fact, open it in a New Browser Window so that you and I can still have this happy little chat. You can read all about my buddy, Matt Smith, later on, and I can tell you about my day. I'm sure you're interested.

Actually, you're probably throwing around some camera-object right now, hoping to get the right angle on this computer screen, hoping to find a place where you can avoid the glare, but still put my blog in the right light for photos. Don't worry. That's been done before. It IS picturesque. It's really good about sitting still and posing for photographs. And if you're doing candids, it can act natural. No problem. Just remind it to take it's glasses off before you ask it to smile pretty.

By the way, how's that photography thing going these days? Picking up? Taken any fine paparazzi-type shots yet while riding at top speed on your Harley? If so, why aren't they posted on MySpace?

That being said, I apologize for my blogging absence. Wow. That sentence gives a whole new meaning to the word "blog." I mean, it does have four letters, meaning it can be used as a "four-letter word." I might have to go back and edit that entry where I typed "bloggity blog blog," for fear someone else might have misinterpreted it, the way the Google people misinterpreted my entry about "peeing for freedom."

Truth be told (which is a phrase I'm starting to use all too often, which makes me wonder if I'm lying the rest of the time), I've just now found the something in me that can only be satiated by writing. I think I must have misplaced it for a few months, or tried to starve it somehow by only feeding it work and school and work and school and the occasional fillet of orange roughy. I fully intended on participating in "Script Frenzy" during the month of June, attempting to complete a full-length play by June 30, but didn't get around to it. And here it is, now already mid-July, and all I have to show for myself is a pile of dirty laundry, a cowboy hat, and a bib that reads "Time to get crackin'!" with a picture of a lobster on it.

But I don't miss June. I'm happy it's July -- even if it is MID-July. Things like my birthday and the 4th have passed, and now we're headed for other things... my brother's birthday, the 19th of July (which has no significance to me whatsoever), and then it'll be the 31st and I'll be on a plane to Charleston. Time for hanging out at the beach, eating some delicious food made by wonderful friends, and watching some sea turtles head out to sea.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to make like a sea turtle, and try not to pick the wrong direction when I crawl my way into bed. Like any good sea turtle, I'll head AWAY from the glowing Coke machine, and TOWARDS the moonlit sea.

Nighty-night, photo man.

- Meredith

1 comment:

sewing fanatic said...

*I* know who Matt Smith is. ...not that I've ever met him. And I may never meet him, seeing as I don't know if I'll ever make it out to Seattle. Or, if I did make it out there, if I'd be in the same place as him at the same time. [sigh]

Anyway, I'm still looking for souvenirs with your name on them. One day, my friend, one day.