Monday, March 28, 2005

"Cran-ber-ry SAUCE."

Matt Smith,

I can only assume that you're home from gallavanting all over the West Coast -- although I think you were only vanting your galla in Seattle. I vanted in Pittsburgh for Jesus's half-birthday (that's what Easter IS, right?) and my galla is TIRED, let me tell you. I'm in the Pittsburgh airport, "surfing the 'net" as the kids are saying these days, drinking my cranberry juice, and waiting for my flight to be called. I usually like the Pittsburgh airport. I like seeing planes take off. I'd just rather not be on them. Really, when you get right down to it (where did that phrase COME from? was it for someone really TALL? or on a ladder? why is "it" always down?), if I had the time, I'd rather walk. I hear that Indiana's really a wonderful place to take a stroll this time of year.

It was a completely unwasted trip to Pittsburgh. I saw my family -- they're nice to look at. We even ate together. Twice. I saw my friends -- also nice to look at. I talked to them, too. They're still funny. They still drink, which is great. I lost two card games. I saw my boyfriend. He was the first and last person I spent time with -- like bookends. (Side note: Matt and I both got bookends from our mothers for Christmas this year. I guess we're just bookend types of people.) He bought me the cranberry juice that I'm currently enjoying and the trail mix which I plan to eat on the plane (not on a trail).

I also had an interview/meeting with PrimeStage Children's Theatre for an educational childreny theatrey type of job, as-of-yet untitled, but already part-time. They're looking forward to working with me; I'm looking forward to sending them more information about me so they can go out and get a grant to pay me to do all the wonderful, magical things I know how to do.

I left a note at Starbucks for my old boss, asking if she had any room to take me back on staff when I get settled back in Pittsburgh again. The answer, of course, is yes -- she called today to let me know that she'd love to have me come back part-time.

The theatre thing is wonderful. I'm excited to work magic in the children's theatre realm.
The Starbucks thing is just another way to pay the rent. Sort of disappointing, but it will inevitably create most of the fodder for this blog in the warmer days to come.

My friend, Sivie, asked me to tell her about what I'm currently doing/thinking/wearing. I don't think the wearing thing was part of it, but I'm going to throw that into the mix just for kicks -- yet another odd turn of phrase, because frankly, is kicking all that fun? I guess it depends on who you're kicking. So, there you have it, Sivie. I'm in the Pittsburgh airport. I had a nice weekend. I'm coming back to Minnesota, only to tour for 4 more weeks with CLIMB. Yes. Tour. I'm literally going to be out of town for the next four weeks. (Sometimes I wonder why they have an employee manual at all. What good are rules about those sorts of things if you're not going to use them?) I'm looking forward to the end of April when I can stay in one place and pack stuff, enjoying the idea of being in the apartment that I pay for every month just so my stuff can live there.

I'm wearing jeans, a yellow button-down shirt over a pink tank top, checker-print socks that say "TAXI" on them, a red coat from Old Navy, and red tennis shoes.

And my hair looks kick-ass.


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