Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Another Post About Urine

Matt Smith!

I confess. I have nothing to comment on this afternoon. Absolutely nothing. I usually sit down with at least a concept -- an idea, an inkling even -- of something, but today? Nothing.

You know that feeling when you really need to go to the bathroom, but for some reason you just can't go? Not that you're physically unable to pass urine, but say, someone's in the bathroom. Or what's often my problem, you're at work, and there's only one key for the restroom ("The key is on that metal scoop on top of the boxes against the wall"), and whenever you have the mind to go use the bathroom, some brainless customer has already taken the key. And the cycle continues.

But you know the feeling, I'd wager.

That's comparable to the feeling I have about writing these letters of intent/essays for my grad school applications. It's almost like having to pee really bad, but something's gotten in your way. I have all this stuff I'm just itching to get out of me -- I want to let these people know I have worth! Meaning! Drive! A way with small children and dogs! -- but I can't make it all work in sentence form. Maybe I can video tape myself doing some sort of interpretive dance. That's definitely a way to go. Or maybe a haiku. Short and to the point. And cross-cultural. Completely awesome, right?

Or maybe I could recite the haiku AND dance. And, of course, there would have to be tiki torches. Nothing says "let me into your graduate school for theatre education" like torches of fire.

(Parenthetically -- 'cause I'm in parentheses now -- you'll have to let me know if there's anything you need for your Evans City abode. There's a family moving in to the house across the street from my apartment, and it'd be really easy to swipe, say, a dish or a house plant or a refrigerator.)

Keep me posted.
-- Meredith


~M~ said...

UGH! Grad school apps. Not fun! Good luck.

Britt said...

So this has nothing to do with urine or grad school applications, but since you wrote to me in my comments I should write back to you in your comments. Also, I'm not positive that you're still using the e-mail addresses I have for you. So you should e-mail me. brittgm AT gmail DOT com.

Anyway, I was in Pittsburgh for about twelve hours at the end of August, and about eight of them were spent sleeping, or else I would've let you know, I promise! Also because we only decided we would do it about a day ahead of time. You believe me because you know my family. Anyway, my family and I were vacationing in West Virginia, and decided we wanted to go see a Pirates game. So we got in about 7:30pm (and missed the first inning or so because we were late) and then after the game grabbed a hotel room for the night and were up by 8 the next morning on our way to Fallingwater. I did make a valiant but ultimately unsuccesful attempt to get my family to go up the Incline, though...

Also, good luck on the grad school apps.

sewing fanatic said...

Shadow puppets. You definitely need shadow puppets.