Does this worry anyone else?
You're The Moon!
You frequently take small steps, but you think very highly of each and
every one of them. This aloof attitude doesn't begin to reflect how high and mighty you
actually are, though you are able to reflect light onto others when it seems appropriate.
Whether the glass is half full, half empty, waxing pedantic, or even crescent-shaped is
something ever-changing in your perspective. These mood swings at least follow a
consistent cycle, one that makes others believe you have mystical powers. Ultimately,
your head is always in the clouds and you just can't seem to stay grounded.
Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
All right.
Well, as the United Nations, I'm pretty sure that we've got diplomatic relations.
But, hon.
This is just wierd.
what i don't understand is when has the moon been part of the united states? do we have to overtake EVERYTHING? For godssakes! next thing you know the U.S. will claim the solar system as ours too. sheesh
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